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Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 7 months ago

[Site TOC]

Planning Your Trip - Links to St. Barth Companies


The Civilized Explorer


It is now possible to plan your trip completely on the web and not have to bother with fax and telephone. This page lists companies' websites that have content useful to planning. This means that if a website is just a page with telephone and fax number, it is not listed here, with the exception of car rental companies - in order to be comprehensive, we have listed companies with websites first, followed by those with at least email addresses. Rental companies with only phone numbers are listed last.




  1. Airlines, Airport, & Helicopters
  2. Artists
  3. Boat Charters and Rentals
  4. Car Rental Agencies
  5. Caterers
  6. Communication
  7. Events
  8. Ferries
  9. Gyms
  10. Museums
  11. Restaurants
  12. St. Barth Information
  13. SCUBA Diving
  14. Services
  15. Shops
  16. Villa Rentals
  17. Websites Under Construction
  18. St. Barth Hotels


  1. Airlines, Airport, & Helicopters



  2. Artists


  3. Boat Charters and Rentals


  4. Car Rental Agencies




    Our apologies, but to prevent spam harvesters from getting these email addresses and deluging these companies with ads to increase their bust sizes, we are using "at" instead of the sign. We hope this is not too inconvenient for you.

    • Alamo email <alamonational"at"wanadoo.fr> (located at the airport)
    • Chez Beranger email <chezberanger"at"wanadoo.fr>
    • Gumbs Car Rental email <gumbs.car.rental"at"wanadoo.fr> (located at the airport)
    • Smart of St. Barth email <smart.of.st.barth"at"wanadoo.fr>


    Phone and FAX


    To call St. Barth from the United States, dial your long distance carrier + 590 590 + the number below


    • Questal Location 27 73 22 / 27 89 54 FAX at airport
    • St. Barth Location de Voitures 27 71 43 / 27 69 32 FAX at airport

  5. Caterers

  6. Communication

    • Global Satellite rent a satellite phone
    • St. Martin Mobiles register for telephone service to St. Maarten, Saba, Anguilla, St. Barths before you leave. The site also explains how to set your cell phone for use.

  7. Events

  8. Ferries

  9. Gyms

  10. Museums

  11. Restaurants


    For some reason, most restaurants have websites on the St. Barth portal, which uses Flash animation excessively. Rather than waste your time and risk having to restart your browser when the animation goes bonkers, use the restaurant search feature at St. Barths Online.


    Our Favorite Lunch Restaurants -



    Our Favorite Dinner Restaurants -



    We have restaurant reviews at our cleverly-named page St. Barth Restaurant Reviews. Read our reviews and add your own. Reviews include locations and pinpoints on a satellite image of the island.


  12. St. Barth Information

    St. Barths Online The first commercial website on St. Barth and still the best. After reviewing the other sites listed here, we value St. Barths Online even more.

  13. SCUBA Diving

  14. Services

  15. Shops

  16. Villa Rentals

  17. Websites Under Construction



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